Bob Sinn’s Cooper Chev up on stands and being prepared..
 The Bunch/Decker Cooper Ford with the engine and gearbox exposed.  The roll hoop is quite an afterthought.  This car went through several changes from when it left the factory.
 Our intrepid photographer found this angle of SA Gilliland’s Elva very interesting.
 A wonderful photo of Dick Holquist in the Ferrari 250LM.
 Brad Picard’s MGB.  The Picard family always had beautifully prepared cars and did well.
 Carl Truitt’s bugeye.  While we don’t have the results I would bet he won HP..
 A couple of race gals.  Can you recognize them?
 John Iglehart’s Bobsy Osca.  Iglehart ruled HM for several years first in an OSCA and later in the Bobsy..  Today he would not finish.
 James McDevitt stands next to his HM Dino special.finished 5th in his class.
 The GM and HM overall winner Jack Lawrence at speed.
 Sherm has his victory and his beer.  In the foreground is the AP winner Hal Keck.
 As sometimes happened, the film stuck and this nice shot of the #91 FC car was spoiled a bit.  We don’t know who the driver is but we know the car finished 5th
 Some admiring fans gather around the Ferrari 196SP.  Can you blame them?  A stunning car.
 Cumberland used one of its middle taxi ways as the paddock.  Cars were lined up on either side, both on the tarmac and in the grass.
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